Thus, I give you, Memento Vivere (LJ). Yes, the title is intentionally similar to Memento Mori because well, I want it to be a sequel. (I was editing my notes for MM when the muse bit, soo...)
I just don't want it to turn into a re-run of "Adverse Camber" (which is undergoing surgery on the plot). Right now, I'm wondering if I can amalgamate a little of the old plot for "Sundiver" into it - I really want to be able to use that idea, haha. (See here for some notes.) Plus, the main character in those notes has a name that sounds a little like the title - Viveka, which means "Beautiful Voice" (humorously, she's a mute (and possibly deaf?) kiravai) but I'm sure I could make it a play on Vivere somehow as well ("to live"). Perhaps she knows about the creatures/Frond's people, I don't know? She needs some way for me to relate her to Blink's plot. I'm not normally a big one for gods and magic (too much handwavium, I always end up having to science it up; I have the same problem with werewolves) but the "esu'imi" (which unfortunately seems to look a lot like a creature out of Dungeons and Dragons, even though I've never played it in my life) has always sooort of been related to the monsters of kiravai myth. (Holy run-on sentence, Batman.) Perhaps that would help me get around that?
I'm also thinking along the lines of Frond's people not wanting to help Blink, because they blame her for Frond's death. (I think she was quite young, didn't really understand what she was doing, and should have gone "home" instead of hanging around in Surkea.) So Blink has to win back their friendship - maybe by helping one of them, I don't know. How do you help something powerful enough to reshape the world at an atomic level?
Lastly, my icon is based off this colour scheme from FusionBeads. It seems to have become the MV colourscheme as well.
...all right, so, that was just supposed to be me linking to my new community where I'll be uploading chapters so I don't forget about it. As ever, I talk too much. Stream of consciousness plotting, mayhap.
I really wish those people who sit on usernames and never use them, never even update them ONCE and post NO comments... wouldn't. XD
Crossposted. This entry was originally posted at