Abi Scott (keaalu) wrote,
Abi Scott

Very excited!

Two exciting things have happened this week! XD (And no, I'm not talking about my two days off, because it'll actually be three days come tomorrow.)

Thing one: I have been sent awesome giftart!
Trice Trice by Anna Ghislaine (garedeuropa/Website)
I love the whole painterly style to this, and the way it's all glowwy; I've always enjoyed her bright, almost surrealist cartoony style, and of course predilection for monsters and weird creatures. (Original link)

Thing two: Guess what I found on my doormat when I got home yesterday!

MM Delivery! An exciting parcel! I'd checked my "post-slot" on my way into the building, and there was nothing in there except the usual junkmail/tut, so it was a very nice surprise to come through onto my floor and find the package leaning against my front door. :D   MM First Draft Inside the parcel... was my book! A5 size, and about an inch thick, with a nice glossy cover and good quality pages. I'm not sure if I should be surprised how thick it is, because my page count on my PDF ran to 370-ish words.

...it's going to take a lot of editing. *dead*

All right, there were actually two copies inside - one for me, for my bookcase, and one because colleagues at work had asked if they could read it. Copy 2 is already out in the wild. XD

Lastly: Christmas Cards!
I have been rubbish at getting them ready on time for the last two years, so I've started creating them already for this year. Show of hands - anyone want one?
Tags: # sapere5: memento mori (nano11), art, christmas cards, gifts, publishing and pod

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