Abi Scott (keaalu) wrote,
Abi Scott

Memento Mori, Chapter 26

Another chapter in less than 6 weeks! It's a miracle.

I had wanted to get this chapter finished and uploaded on the 1st, because it would have been the story’s “6-month birthday”. Happy Belated Birthday, MM?

Actually I’m not particularly happy because it means I still haven’t finished it, and I can’t edit what I haven’t finished. And I am determined to have something finished enough to self-publish by the end of 2012. Cue, end of the world?

( Fake cut to chapter 26 ) Dreamwidth Mirror In which Sarmis manages to blow his own cover, and Tevak discovers his prize is missing (and promptly also blows up).

131523 200000
Tags: # sapere5: memento mori (nano11), character: blink, character: rae, nanowrimo

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