Abi Scott (keaalu) wrote,
Abi Scott


I know it's probably at least partly just Daily Mail exaggeration, but I saw their headline earlier:

Yeah. -20C. That's -4F for those of you in old money.

Am I surprised that my bed isn't being delivered tomorrow? Oh well.

Got out of work 30 minutes early - 4:30, as Kevin said we could go early because of the crap weather - and the 6 was running about an hour late (a couple of women said they'd been waiting since 4pm, and it finally came at 5:04, so leaving early just meant I got to stand in the cold for ages. LOVELY.) We passed another three on the way back - one at Sainsbury's, one at the Thrasher and one at the Crane's stop (all would have been about 5 minutes drive apart, on a NORMAL day. There were no buses at all between Sainsbury's and the hospital.).

It was almost gridlocked all down Heath Road and Bixley Road - took half an hour just to get up to St Augustine's roundabout. At Sainsburys' there were a group of teens throwing snowballs at the traffic - shamefully, they kept missing the bus. (Seriously, a BUS, and they were about 5 metres away. Wasn't it big enough for you guys??) By the time we got past the Havens roundabout there was an ambulance coming up behind, and he actually managed to squeeze down the middle and get past all the stationary traffic. I decided I was getting off at the Thrasher; seriously, traffic was going NOWHERE, much as I'd have loved to stay curled up in my seat with my feet on the heater? I wasn't staying on the bus for another 20 minutes just to cover a hundred or so yards.

It just took an hour and 10 to do a 10 minute bus journey - and I got off earlier because it was quicker! Apparently there'd been an accident on the Orwell Bridge, earlier - small surprise, seeing some of the driving this morning. The bus I was on almost hit two cars this morning because they shot out in front of it.

Oh well. -_- I'm gonna go eat my rock and chips, then go hibernate. Stupid weather.

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